All in Wellness

Rosalina - Melaleuca ericifolia

Rosalina or "Swamp Paper Bark " is a must for your winter essential oil kit. It is my hero this Autumn with everyone dropping like flies. The best is that this amazing healer is one of our local oils. Grown, harvested and distilled in Harvey WA. It is a dynamic oil for clearing mucus and alleviating chesty coughs. Is a great oil for children.

Adaptogens and Essential Oils

Mother nature gives us adaptogens. Depending on your own state they will work for you to bring you into balance. Adaptogens are neither stimulants or sedatives they are both, they adapt to what our systems need at the time. Adaptogens are products of nature, chemistry has not been able to copy this one!

It's cold and flu season in full swing!

If your looking to keep your body happy and healthy during this chilly weather, harness the power of aromatherapy oils to get you there. This is year they have been really pushing the flu vaccine, yet there has been an increase in fatalities. Here are some essential oils and tips on how to heal, prevent and conquer these super bugs.