Frequently Asked Questions


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what is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of highly concentrated aromatic essential oils to heal body balances and disorders, it is a plant therapy. Aromatherapy is gaining more and more popularity as people are seeking alternatives to pharmaceuticals. It is used in hospitals and hospices all over the world alongside conventional medicine practices, as a sedative or pain management and general patient wellbeing.

what are essential oils?

Plants have oil pockets that contain specialised metabolites that are crucial for their survival. To fight disease, protect from predators or attract pollinators. They have evolved over millions of years to perfect and adapt to new environments very quickly. These oil secretions can be found in the leaves, fruit, bark, wood, sap or flowers and are extracted mostly through steam distillation. A lot of plant material is used making essential oils highly concentrated extracts.

How does it work?

Essential oils are highly volatile substances, meaning they evaporate very quickly when exposed to air. These droplets are inhaled just as quick to be absorbed directly through the blood brain barrier to our central nervous system. Stimulating or relaxing the receptors or hormonal messengers of all body functions. Making them highly effective very quickly through simple inhalation. A qualified aromatherapist will mix them with a carrier oil to apply topically in a massage, compresses or baths to be absorbed into our systems.

why aromatherapy?

Using essential oils in a clinical aromatherapy treatment will compliment every alternative and holistic modality as well as any medical treatment. Can speed up recovery after trauma and surgery. Carefully selected and synergistically blended oils will help your body to stay in balance and heal itself. Essential oils are powerful anti bacterial substances and the right oils can work on antibiotic resistant strains.

what if i am uncomfortable lying face down?

At My Balance we do have a lot of pillows to help support you to lie face down in comfort. If it is still very uncomfortable we are able to provide a quality treatment lying on your side and back. We can also work out a seated massage for you. Not being able to lie facedown should not prevent you from being able to receive the benefits of massage.

when should I not use essential oils?

At My Balance we use high quality therapeutic grade essential oils. They are a medicinal quality and are administered with professional knowledge and care. Each individual oil has its own safety standards. Some oils should not be used;

  • Undiluted as you may have an adverse skin reaction. You are at greater risk if you have a history of skin contact allergy or perfume allergy or have a current skin condition.

  • Always use a low dosage of 1.5% for children under 15 years.

  • Certain oils should be avoided during pregnancy.

  • Use inhalation with caution if have diagnosed asthma, or react to fragrances, paint fumes or turpentine. Use 1% dilution if you are in this group.

  • Some oils can either increase or negate medications. Check with your doctor or a qualified aromatherapists if you are on medications.

what massage techniques do you use?

As a clinical aromatherapist I am qualified in lymphatic drainage, though will adapt the massage to what you are needing. I am able to work using strong deep tissue techniques, lighter lymphatic or pure relaxation strokes. Each treatment of an hour or more will always include a full body experience, including a head massage and reflexology. Releasing tension and stagnation from head to toe. Our aim is to take away all stress by creating a calm and peaceful space in the treatment room.

what do I need to prepare before the treatment?

It is good to arrive 10 minutes early to be able to realzx a bit to enjoy a cup of tea, glass of water and enjoy the environment before your treatment. It also allow time to fill out our intake form if it is your first session.

what do I do after the treatment?

Each essential oil blend is unique for what you need on the day. The oils are left on your body after the treatment as they will continue to be absorbed into your system for 6 - 12 hours after your treatment. It is recommended that you do not have a shower or go for a swim to allow these oils to continue to absorb into your system.

How soon should I expect results?

Aromatherapy is a living organic process the direct results vary with the individual, you may feel refreshed straight away or groggy and wanting to sleep it will depend on what your body is needing. A lot of issues such as pain, inflammation or congestion are often worked out for you in one treatment session. As we are multifaceted and complex human beings to gain complete results would depend upon the degree of the health problem, and many other lifestyle factors.

why do sometimes I still feel sore or get a headache after a massage?

There are many reasons why this would happen. Remember to always communicate openly with your therapist with any discomfort.

  • It could be a sensitivity issue to one of the oils that we have used. This would disappear soon afterwards when you are out of the space.

  • Dehydration. It is important to stay hydrated at all times. We do provide plenty of filtered water at at clinic.

  • To much pressure for you. Sometimes we will use deep pressure strokes to work out the knots. Communication is crucial to let us know if you are experiencing headache or discomfort and we can adjust the pressure.

  • Blood pressure changes from lying down in a certain position can create headaches. Called postural hypotension caused by low blood pressure. We can adjust the position to help alleviate this.

when should I not get a massage?

You should not book a massage if you are intoxicated as it causes desensitisation and you are unable to communicate correctly. If you have an infection and a fever, as a massage can be stimulating when you need to rest and also to protect infection spread. If you are feeling dizzy and nauseous you will need to stablise before receiving a massage. For chronic and acute conditions, certain medications or any other concerns it is wise to check with your doctor before booking a massage treatment.